the metrics 

that matter.

Focusing on the stock exchanges as a metric for how Humanity is doing is problematic. Limited at best. 

Yet stock market metrics have become the main stats we hear on the nightly news, and have somehow become the central metric for how we determine the health of our society. 

The HPI is built on a direct line of communication with everyone, so we can see how HUMAN BEINGS are doing, offering far more predictive power to both the public and private sector than metrics on how corporate stocks are doing. 

The “Master Metric” that includes each and every one of us.

Human Health


Mental Health

Awareness & Literacy


Abuse Transmission


Ecological Health 


Wildlife Health


Outcast Index 42.01%

Nutrition Distribution

Surplus Distribution

World Accessibility / Mobility 


Human Condition Index

Available Potential


Human Potential Index

Available Potential


Suppressed / Reduced Potential


Human Justice 


Environmental Hospitality Index

Available Potential


Information Ecology

Economic Truth Index


The HPI is comprised of 2 equally weighted indices… the Environmental Hospitality Index (EHI), and the Human Condition Index (HCI), each determined by the health of their respective children-categories. 

The health of each category and issue, are determined by direct polling of HPI users worldwide.

The inputs that determine the INDEX HEALTH of each ISSUE and INDEX of ISSUES, are determined by direct polling of individuals worldwide, whose participation is rewarded in Justice Coin, as well as the tangible, real world assistance they may receive to address their declared need.

Who the HPI Solves Problems For


One of the needs we will have to fill in order for us to be eligible for paradise, is a platform where we all check in. Where we declare (openly or anonymously) what our needs are, so that those needs can be met by the community.


In one word… DATA. 

Industry needs to know what and where the needs are, so they can direct their means of production at that intersection. 


Government needs to know the needs of the governed if they are to effectively lead. It’s best that we provide this service for governments, as opposed to them taking on the conflict of interest it would entail to try and fill that role themselves.

What’s the Motivation Behind The HPI?

The Human Potential Index has been in alpha since the aftermath of Hurricane Maria, when HPI founder MG Dockery wanted to deploy a way to keep tabs on his friends back on the Island who were highly affected by the storm.

It has changed over the years and is currently in version 2.3. 

Donate / Contribute

The HPI is currently seeking grant rewards as a public good, and accepting contributions from private entities who see the extremely vast value to Humanity in what we track.

Click Here

To Contribute Fiat

Like the US Dollar, VISA, AMEX, etc.

Click Here to Contribute Via 



To Contribute Ethereum



To Contribute Bitcoin


What’s Next?

Register Now! 

to opt-in to post-colonial economics & receive your Inheritance in Cryptocurrency

Select up to 2 People Groups that you identify most closely with. In your Justice Coin Wallet (Which You’re Establishing Now), we will be depositing your inheritance token(s) provisionally until you are verified by your EcoNation. Inheritance Tokens are worth the unresolved damages your group has endured, divided by your population.

Headlines on the Horizon

Check out these headlines to look forward to after HPI adoption.

Special thanks to Dr Mary Lee and the NCI team.