




The Importance of Offering 

an Alternative to Whiteness

by Mark Gregory Dockery (1302)                                             Version 2.0 - December 2022

The Justice Coin Economic-Nation representing Survivors of the Settler Colonial (White) Experience - renouncers of colonial privilege in the Decentralized Economy.

“There’s a perception that whiteness is working for white people. It’s not, Whiteness is one of the biggest and most long-running scams ever perpetuated.”

Quinn Norton

According to my research - If you identify as “White”, and you’ve read The Black Paper or The Home Page, you may have felt excluded from the good news of Justice Coin. But don’t.

If you are a current “White Identifier” (in the United States or elsewhere), you are far from excluded from the scope of Justice Coin’s coverage no matter what your skin color.

Unless of course you don’t accept Justice as the solution to injustice and continue to revalidate and accept colonial currency and identity instead - then we can’t help you. 

To start, we have to get this fact out of the way - whiteness is a category created to house a psychological “class” of people - you… are not white - you’re Italian, Romanian, Armenian, Irish, Scandinavian, Ukrainian, British and so on. But what I’ll touch on later is that the category of “white” as a class construct, has been arguably the most destructive invention in history. Actually that is not arguable. For in the name of whiteness… “Manifest Destiny” “Lebensraum” etc., the most horrible atrocities in history have been deployed. This is why as a cohort, mental health professionals have been more openly discussing “Whiteness” as a problematic identifier, given the toxic baggage it carries historically & on into the present.

To put it simply… friends… Justice needs to be made available to “The White Man”, otherwise the White Man has no where else to remain besides what is apparently the hell of moral compromise he is forced to exist within and maintain today. I’m not the only one who sees this as the reason for the disproportionately high rate of suicides among our White identifying Men. All men, but White men especially. Given the fact that the “American Indian” category is comparatively an extinct ethnicity, White males stand alone at the top of this chart.  

Somehow The Most High has programmed into the math a feature whereby moral error (debt to society) does not occur without consequence over time - and often times it’s the best and brightest who are so offended by their experience that their mental health turns acutely fatal. And that is bad for all Euro-X Descendants. And indeed bad for the rest of the world as well. Though you might get away with a crime for a long time… as Gloria Estefan once said… “Rhythm is Gonna Getcha”… call it Karma call it what you like… but this is a mysterious wonder that all should fear. Be Good. For God is not far… He’s near. And the mental health statistics are telling us that “Whiteness” is something we all need to recover from. Liberated from.

This is not to say that all of you here are suicidal (I certainly hope not) but the data tells us that in general, suicide is disproportionately, “a White-Male Issue” in the United States. And though there are many factors (genetic, nutritional etc), as Lee taught our truth group many years ago, [ none of us are more than 0.0000001% different when it comes to genetics ] so… that’s not where to look for answers as to why white men encounter suicide so much in the land they took. 

I submit to the world that there is one factor of suicide that “The White Man” DOES possess disproportionately to the rest of the population, that is the extreme levels of intergenerational moral compromise on his shoulders. This results in what I call “The Dignity Gap” - a level of inherited compromise that also results in fatal levels of despair when the ideal he holds, clashes with reality - and say that “White Man” loses his job or goes broke… he’s WAY more devastated than he should be, because though he failed, he also harbors the knowledge that he failed in the system that already bought his economic advantage with much blood. Journalists & Psychologists are calling these “Deaths of Despair”. Suicide is essentially acute terminal mental illness. What the data shows us, is that the mental health of White Identifiers today is not in a good place, and that in reality, White Supremacy is a terrible hoax that is harming The Wizard, more than it is harming Oz.

I created Justice Coin not only for my people, but to offer White folk a door through which they can exit the compromise they are stuck in. They will not produce such an exit for themselves - as you can imagine, the interest in leaving white supremacist economics is not high among white folk. And the only way to address this level of compromise, is to make things right at the macroeconomic level. That’s what Justice Coin is. How else can we ultimately help The White Man, but to confess what Justice actually is, and offer him a vehicle through which he can do the same - restoring his opportunity for total dignity and wholeness. Mental wellness. Atonement with God.

While the damage that white-supremacy-delusion has inflicted on White Identifiers is quite different than the damages distributed toward People of Color, they can certainly be qualified & quantified as Forced Economic Imbalances all the same. And indeed, our White Brothers & Sisters are in need of psychological rehabilitation from the colonial era as well. And if that “White Rehabilitation” is not had, our Human Potential Index will not, and cannot improve.

AIR designations for historical damages against white identifiers include Forced Economic Imbalances such as:

Many of the same categories that describe the damages inflicted on People of Color are relevant for white identifiers - they overlap - though the degree of comprehensive damages may not be the same. Though many white wounds are collectively self-inflicted (as with all people groups’), the individual path to salvation for each person still involves addressing the uniquely high degree of abuses whiteness has radiated among Humanity since its invention. 

Michael Bradley’s Great work “The Iceman Inheritance” does a great job at illuminating this very important topic. 

Unlike the era of oppression, the era of Justice cannot be claimed prior to a complete commitment to the improvement of all Human Potential. And that cannot include leaving you behind just because you’ve been socially enabled to identify as a white class. However it does mean, offering all of us an alternative denotation for you - something besides the historically toxic badge of “white”. If we fail to let you out of that cage, we fail our species. Having inherited the moral authority to do so, it is incumbent upon the Indigenous people of Earth to point toward the path of repentance and atonement for White Identifiers, and for Justice Coin, our answer to that call is the PREED EcoNational designation.


Privilege Renouncing Eco-National Euro-X Descendent

If you are in Mexico but with Pre-Colombian roots in Europe:

Privilege Renouncing EcoNational Euro-Mexicano Descendent

The PREED designation is flexible, for instance if you have a European heritage and you are in America, you can say:

Privilege Renouncing EcoNational Euro-American Descendent

If you are in Australia but with Pre-Colonial Roots in Europe:

Privilege Renouncing EcoNational Euro-Australian Descendent

If you are in Colombia but with Pre-Colombian roots in Europe:

Privilege Renouncing EcoNational Euro-Colombian Descendent

PREED are Allies to all those who stand entitled to Justice.

PREED are the leadership class for those still in psychological need of renouncing “whiteness” - generations of forced economic imbalances in favor of those with skin like theirs.

PREED may have designated themselves as “white” before today (due to lack of options at least), but where they are now, they understand that white is a toxic class label that they’d rather disassociate with, for the sake of everyone, especially their own psychological health, and that of their children.

PREED can still be patriotic and work toward the improvement of the “USA” or the “American” idea (as inherently antithetical to the existence of POC as it has been… everyone is allowed to believe in redemption). 

PREED is not an anti-American or anti-anyone nomination. They are proud of their European ancestry, but renounce the “Royal” or “Papal” and “Legislative” ideas of white supremacy that have been strangling human potential worldwide for millennia.

Justice Coin is not “against White People” - “White People” is a class category that was invented, so as to offer psychological justification to those who would identify with the European royalty-class, enabling them to take on the sociopathic mind of their rulers, against the indigenous people of Color they were encouraged to conquer on the crown’s behalf. Understanding this, Justice Coin PREED is a device to liberate White Identifiers from the otherwise toxic identity we call “white”. 

Just as the farmer uses gates and fences to ensure that his livestock continue to profit him by staying within his sphere of greatest influence, likewise, the vocabulary we are taught and led to use, are psychological fences, established by those who would rather we keep doing what we’re doing, instead of transcending the oppression we have in common. These verbal spells keep us unconsciously validating & revalidating the preferred reality of “the rich”, every time we use them.

One such spell is the class distinction, “White”. Deployed via Virginia legislature in 1691 by “the rich” in response to the challenge of not being able to control the united masses a la Bacon’s Rebellion. The rich came up with the plan to offer benefits to non-colored Europeans - the opportunity to legally lean on dark-skinned people by excluding them from a master class called “The Whites”. Today, many still identify with this fictional group called “The Whites”, and many don’t even know they’re siding with injustice by doing so.

Today we’re seeing the result of nearly 400 years of white-American fabrication of this ideal of whiteness. In other words… way beyond the point where white folk would just say… “hey we’ve been messing up, we better just stop.” No after 400 years… whatever is still going, will not stop by the devices of those in error - they must be saved. Only, saved from themselves.

As it is with smear campaigns and other hallmarks of abusive personalities, racism really backfires on “white people” even if they are not a racist personally, because there’s no way to distance themselves from the social outcomes of collective racism. You’re stuck with the baggage no matter what! I get that.

For the non-racist white mind - the psychological cost of participating in or going along with the enforcement of white supremacy (the colonial macro-economy) still exist. This is problematic and cannot be understated. But we know now that many deaths of despair (suicides) are from White Men who detest the effects of ongoing racism and grossness of their cohort’s behavior (Rest In Peace Robin Williams, Anthony Bourdain, and my late friend, Brotha Phillipians). 

Either way - racist or not - inherited psychopathy is quite the serious matter. When people hand down the game, and the attitudes necessary to maintain white-priority to their offspring, the young have little choice but to become malignant themselves. The gifted white man is vexed by the situation. The gifted white girl is speechless - she doesn’t have the words to express how she feels. So no one knows. They’ve told me though. PREED is my response. 

And where we live today on the frontier of the timeline of Human progress, the game has been going on so long, everyone we know was born into it, and raised by adults who were born in it. All of us, completely born into iniquity; disorder. There is a psychological cost for having been handed down such levels of disorientation, and I think we are living in the days when the lies have come full circle.

More About Our Solution

As currency is the way our species has come to transmit commercial ability, values and worth across cultural, linguistic, and geographic barriers, one’s economic affiliation will become more significant than any appeal to regional skin-tone-privilege moving forward. At Justice Coin, we call these economic affiliations “EcoNations” (Economic Nations), and just as the Topian is the EcoNation representing the Blacks of the American Experience, the EcoNation we have nominated for those who would otherwise be forced to identify as White (but now see and that Justice needs to be the priority) is PREED.

Whiteness in the Future

In the Age of Justice, White Entitlement will be spoken of as a mental disorder. And indeed, for one to refer to themselves as “White” may be done tongue in cheek, but otherwise will be considered strange. Backward.

Today though, Whiteness and the infrastructure of White Supremacy are still considered a bit normal. Though largely unsaid, WS is still “the way the world works”.

But when it is widely studied in the same way psychologists study cults, it will become clear to us all that just like a cult, WS maintained its power by constantly regenerating the “us versus them mentality” (UVT) and other cult tactics.

Call To Action / What We Do Now

Out of respect - if someone insists that they are white… fine… let people call themselves what they want. 

But since white doesn’t exist - don’t let your speech become loose… refer to them as “White Identifiers” to be more precise in your speech. But MORE THAN THAT… be sure to offer everyone possible, the opportunity to identify with Justice informed denominations, like PREED. Update the way we speak so that we’re not revalidating and enabling psychopathic toxicity in our lives. Stand for Justice by referring to people as what they are, within the framework of Justice.

Those holding onto Whiteness, are holding onto a fiction born for the purpose of dividing what was once an unstoppable force against tyranny - Human unity through reason (see Bacon’s Rebellion etc). People of all colors and backgrounds, cooperating together for the betterment of all. But an opportunity arose to side with oppression, and a collective agreement was established that exists to this day, to covertly subjugate “People of Color” with the concept… “White”.

As long as we keep validating the curse with our mouth, we will remain cursed. In contrast, Justice Coin is deploying a blessing through the PREED designation - a door through which you will be able to access security in the future, and live out your commitment to Justice. An opportunity that does not exist outside of Justice Coin.

So that’s it!

It’s just important that you know… (especially with the current cancel culture we’re apparently in) that the PREED EcoNational denomination is not intended to insult otherwise “White” identifiers… it’s intended to offer them a home.

Because just as budgets are moral documents, Economics, is a moral issue - and whereas “Whiteness” is a caste incompatible with the moral standards of Humanity’s ‘ideal order, the era of economic justice has no place for “Whiteness” or the money ordained thereby.

Thank you for your time.

My name is Mark Gregory Dockery. (1302)

Friends call me Doc. Founder of Justice Coin.

Wake up!

Welcome to the Future.

Accessible Videos on the Topic

The Origin of Whiteness in America

Tim Wise

Unmasking the world of whiteness is one of the most important pieces for not just the P.R.E.E.D. EcoNation, but all Allies in the Justice Coin chain.


Mark Patrick George

1681 - The Invention of Race: The Laws that Changed the World!

Philippe Shock Matthews & Jaqueline Battalora


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