Neurodivergence - The Intellectual & Cognitive Differences Among us

And How Resentment of it Delays the Emergence of Justice

Version 1.0 

Written by 1302

The Cryptocurrencies tied to tangible Justice, Human Potential, and the righting of historical wrongs. Repairing Unresolved Forced Economic Imbalances, to Produce Worldwide Economic Truth.

Talk about people being Republican or Democrat - fine.

Talk about being gay or straight (or super-straight) - fine.

Talk #toxic people - yeah they’re coming to get you for that but still… fine.

But you BETTER NOT get to talking about the vast differences in intellectual giftedness among us. How, despite how much we’re taught to elevate democracy as some sort of highest state of collective being - no - most people aren’t even qualified to use language let alone lead or contribute to the most beneficial outcomes for collectives on their own.You better not mention how police departments have banned people with high IQ from being police officers - stuff like that. You will certainly end up on the boo boo list of every conformist in ear-shot. Because THIS IS A DEMOCRACY! Everyone’s opinion matters just as much as the next person’s - and you’re really not allowed to be smarter than the herd - that would mean democracy actually is not the optimal way of being, but widespread humility in seeking the lessons of history, and the guidance of those naturally endowed with God-fearing - Justice seeking wisdom. That’s the actual way.

Some people are bright, others are not, some are unable to be. It doesn’t mean there are people we get to call stupid, dismiss and disregard altogether - it means that though it is up to each to live his life in the best way he sees fit, as a collective, we all have different roles - by nature.

If you are not as bright as someone else, there’s nothing you can buy, no school you can attend, that will make you as bright as they. God is the one that made our kind, and the damages we’ve endured through Human error render each of us more and less capable.

Thinking back to grade-school - as children it was easier to quickly identify another child who has cognitive deficits. They were often taught separately from the “normal kids” (which is a mistake if ever there were mistakes) and they were generally treated differently by the adults. That, along with the symptoms of their condition worn on their features and behaviors, made it clear that you need to adjust YOUR expectations and exercise YOUR patience when it came to interacting with those less gifted than you.

But in adulthood, those with great deficits are completely discarded by capitalistic culture, and those with less apparent deficits… well they were lumped in with the mainstream herd, to the extent they were able to conform to the perforative requirements of the surrounding culture.

Then there’s the other little group. Smart. Bright. Gifted. Genius. Wunderkind. Prodigy. Nerd. These people are also completely excluded from the “mainstream”, but for different reasons than the limited. Mostly the mainstream mind resents the truth tellers because accountability to those less developed is taken as an injury to the ego. Leaving the gifted to spend most of their potential protecting themselves against the envy, jealousy, and crucifixion that mediocre minds inflict on them from the moment they’re born.

These are the people who…

When you bring up the football game…

They’d rather discuss how guaranteed traumatic brain injury is a good reason to migrate away from football as a good moral option for entertainment. Or the implications of a nearly all Black sport has nearly all White “owners.” These guys.

Or the girl who…

When you bring up this cool new makeup you like, she’s all…

“Ooh I like the color, but that has parabens and phthalates in it and we should really avoid those at all costs because…”

Those girls.

These people… the mainstream wants nothing to do with. And so by extension, followers of the mainstream are waiting to cast their stone from the mob when the moment arises

This situation is perennial… evergreen. Nothing short of macroeconomic re-identification can help, but no matter where you fall on the spectrum today - as you go about your interactions, be honest about where you are on the spectrum. The implications of the Dunning Kruger phenomenon are that we all must put great effort into this, but if we’re going to improve the world at large, this area demands radical acceptance, brutal honesty, and complete decolonization.

Here are some ways we all can help our transition into the Justice Age in the macro, from where we are on the spectrum:

If you are Limited

Embrace your limitations and to the best of your ability, & be honest with yourself about the natural legitimacy of those who purport leadership in your space, and in the world at large. Disregard less authentic leadership, and follow who you know in your heart and mind to be more authentic, genuine, natural leadership. And thank God for providing that which we lack.

If you are Disordered

Okay. The wise understand. You’re okay. Though abusive patterns may alienate you, know that everyone is alienated to a degree by others. The only thing that would make you ACTUALLY disposable to Humanity, is the disruption of the Human Potential of others. And if you have

If you are “Normal”

Sorry to put you in quotes but you probably don’t belong in this category. But… if there is a such thing as normal, help those less fortunate than you. Hold them and yourself accountable for participation in colonial persistence.

If you are Gifted (top 2-3%) in awareness cognition etc.

Great… you may as well be some species beamed in from an episode of Star Trek. Though the local Earthlings demand you assimilate into the Borg, the extent you are able to resist, is the extent to which your purpose is to help, and lead. To mind your place as gifted by God for a reason. To speak the truths that others are not able to speak. To handle bullies. To produce Justice, so that as we more forward, the limitations among us will no longer be present the problems they do in an environment of colonial disorientation.

But no matter who you are,

be real about it, and fall in line at your proper station. If you’re acting like a leader and you’re really a follower, you are also damaging mankind. Through your cowardice, denial, neglect, laziness, and fake apathy, you avoid what you really know to be true, just because the world gives you hell for it. Don’t act like you’re in the herd. You’ve a different calling. Stop acting like their opinions obsessions smear campaigns and abuse should matter to those sent to lead. Yours is the most guilty of categories if you are here. Straighten up and fly right champ.

No matter who you are, and what your level of cognition is, there’s really only 2 kinds of people. Spiritually. There’s the spirit of the Most High God, and there’s the spirit of the accuser, the slanderer, the gossip, the conformist, the thief, the killer, the wicked. There are limited people in both groups, and there are gifted ones in both as well.

No matter who you are, stay out of the camp of the wicked. They don’t just kill others, they always end up killing themselves too.

Wake Up!

Stand for Justice.

Welcome to the Future.
