The Cryptocurrencies tied to tangible Justice, Human Potential, and the righting of historical wrongs. Repairing Unresolved Forced Economic Imbalances, to Produce Worldwide Economic Truth.

Justice Coin

The Passover Paper


Mark Gregory Dockery


March 28th, 2021

February 11th, 2021

September 28th, 2020

September 16th, 2019

June 19th, 2017

The solution for everything is the same, Justice.


The Problem is this - we’ve been living with a monetary system that has been misrepresenting us allin favor of maintaining colonial white supremacy worldwide. Justice Coin is CORRECTING those distortions, and distributing it to you as an INHERITANCE in the decentralized economy using cryptocurrency tokens, allowing anyone willing, to migrate away from taking on the psychosis of colonial economics, so that you may take on the psychologically restorative level of economic leadership that represents Justice.

Sign Up for Your Wallet Now

Pursue Justice, and justice alone, so that you may live, and you may possess the land that LORD your God is giving you.

Deuteronomy 16:20

 Berean Standard Translation

Justice - [the confrontation of forced imbalances, and the countervailing of the resultant toxic economic leadership that emerges from those forced imbalances], is our objective. You may have heard it said that there are “laws” of economics, but that is not the case. Economic theory is ideological - Justice Coin was created to grant us an opportunity to side with the undisputed correct ideology in all areas - Justice - only now, where macro-economics are concerned.

The solution to every problem is the same - Justice. And we know that the extent to which we do not follow Justice, is the extent to which we should expect poor results in our present lives, as well as the inheritance we leave for our children and fellow Humans. For oppressor classes, the fear of losing the fruits of injustice, often times prevents us from pursuing Justice in earnest. Because of this, Justice often lacks a vehicle - a conduit through which we can actually produce Justice through our most universal, common channels of communication. Put simply - because bullies don’t want Justice produced, they undermine it. It threatens their false self, and the false reality they’d rather us continue living in.

It is for that reason that in The Name of the Creator we all have in common, that I engage you regarding the very serious spiritual issue of money - our most universal channel of communication.Through corruptions in our monetary language, conditions have been made most toxic for the most potentiated Humans on earth, while the most audacious and morally deficient have distorted real power dynamics through the traumatic outlay of lies, genocide, land theft, and ultimately solidified psychological control through the control of the monetary language. They devalued populations at will - casting upon them the intergenerational spell of servitude and everlasting dependence on the parasitic audacity of those who inherit what merely amounts to entitlement.

But now, chickens have come home to roost, and the sins of white supremacy / manifest destiny, have caught up to the bunker of all its stored energy - its money is now in need of replacement.

But as we go to replace it, what should we replace it with? Another gross, elite thing? Something else to infect the culture with its ontologically corrupt, hypocritical values? Would that be intellectually honest and morally consistent of us to allow that to be our life and the life for our children?

I submit to you that the root of all our persistent problems has been in the corrupt creation and distribution of our monetary supply. Money has been primarily used to manipulate the energy of historically exploited populations, so as to yield more resources in the balance for those who inherit structural privilege, and less resources to those with no equal economic representation. Further, I submit to you that the force of Human Psychology will eventually hold all people accountable to Justice as the basis for base money, even above gold. Certainly the US Dollar.

The occasion of this document is to explain how through a simple process, we can transcend the fundamental corruptions within our world language (the money supply) in order to bring an end to the vast majority of evils that plague us today, which are rooted in the very sad issue of morally ineligible people guiding Human Experience by way of unjustly produced and distributed currencies. If that is of interest to you, I have great respect for your mind, and aim to offer an accessible explanation of this tool that honors your time and capacity.

The spirit (motivation) of manifest destiny, white supremacy, eugenics etc. has never had any moral foundation or intellectual gas, but only now has it been completely unveiled and exposed in the clearest of ways for what it has fundamentally been - worldwide power theft through monetary psychological operations against pre-colonial identities.

It comes down to economic leadership - who has the economic weight to possess the option & first rights to employ others? Who possesses the economic entitlement to ultimately “call the shots”. It’s clear we’ve got that all wrong today.

In short: There are those who as collectives, have had their actual economic weight (power) distorted by way of forced imbalances, in favor of satisfying abusive agendas, regimes & racial constructs. The Justice Coin Protocol uses the following steps to restore Survivor Groups, and through them the entire world, by accounting for proper Economic Leadership among Humankind, and distributing the digital currency to reflect that accounting.

Here is the utility that Justice Coin provides to the world economy:

• An Opt-In Economic System Based on Justice as the guiding factor

• An Organized methodology for valuing and deploying base currency assets into the decentralized economy.

• A platform / community database from which the emergent leadership class can organize away from oppressive agendas that have historically functioned to undermine actual Justice in favor of continuity of white supremacy (which has greatly reduced aggregate Human Potential for the sake of its own continuity).

While the HISTORY of our Species has been guided by classist, colonial objectives against the best interest of all cultures and people of Earth, Justice Coin is facilitating the transition into our FUTURE, guided by and centered around Justice, and Human Potential Maximization for all.

The Big Picture: MacroEconomics for Newmanity

We begin with the acknowledgement that all economic theory and practice will eventually move away from forced value propositions such as fiat currency as a usable money, and will instead move toward principles of accounting for economic worth and distribution of wealth that are not based on audacity, supremacy, greed and the force of violence, but Justice.

In reality - in the material world - the following is what macro-economics actually includes, from the perspective of Justice. Think of the Aggregate World Economy as a three stranded cord:

1.) The Stuff: Our material world, land, goods, raw materials etc.

2.) Stewardship of the Stuff: Who is entitled to what, how we access that stuff, by whose directives and economic leadership do we apply Human energy to it, and to each other, to create value.

3.) Our Ideas: Our concepts, labor, fiat, experiments & dreams, under the condition of Justice.

Justice Coin is helping us define (with a great deal of precision) exactly what all those figures should be for everyone, as a starting point for the Justice Era (the period following the colonial age of injustice). With the Justice Coin A.I.R. filter protocol (Allostatic Inheritance Renderer), we can determine each persons precise inheritance through their Justice Coin Allies Account (Allies is the social network culture of Justice Coin, where users receive their earned, or inherited tokens). This is our solution for the accessibility problem inherent in using cryptocurrency as a solution for population segments that are disadvantaged, lack technological access, or finances to engage in the cryptocurrency space, and are therefore are less interested or even as literate regarding cryptocurrency middleware than they are with common social network formats.

Each Justice Coin Allies Wallet also gives Users a flare / poll based interface with the HPI (Human Potential Index), enabling us to keep track of our progress as we go - are we succeeding, are things actually getting better for us in pursuit of Justice as opposed to how things were going in pursuit of maintaining the tradition of Human Potential reduction / white supremacy? Our continual updates to the HPI through Allies will let us know.

Discovered Environmental Value

The Economic Weight of all Discovered Value


Discovered Earth Resources

Unadulterated Nature

Mined Resources

Grown / Cultivated Resources

Discovered Earth



Aggregate Economic Weight

The Sum of all Discovered Value

Discovered Economic Leadership

The Justice Layer - The Economic Weight of all Justice Coin Survivor Token Determinations - the way to determine who is rightly entitled to what amount of economic weight.


Discovered Human Output

Discovered Historical Forced Imbalances

Enclosures & Structures



Human Potential Realization

Produced Content & Entertainment

Discovery of Economic Leadership

Now think of all three of those as their own economies of discovery, that will constantly expand in Economic Weight, as we discover more of each sub-category over time.

Proposed Discovered Value

The Economic Weight of all 

Fiat Money / tokens


Like the publishing of any concept or idea, fiat monies will always be around for various experiments. Justice being the common ground for sustainable Human endeavor, maintains a 2:1 advantage over this economic category by design. The fiat economy is organized in such as way so as to not allow the Just economy to be infected by it, but for all to be empowered by its potential as a powerful catalyst for positive change, and experiences for Newmanity. Justicization is simply proportionately applying a token into this category, which maintains a potential 2:1 relationship against the economic weight of the DEL (Discovered Economic Leadership).


The Justice Coin Protocol provides a means for determining values for the DEL category - Just Economic Leadership, and thus, a standard upon which all Proposed Discovered Value is weighed.

Here is how we discover the DEL category.

Organize: EcoNations

The protocol calls for the nominating and assigning of categories called EcoNations for eligible groups who are Survivors of unresolved forced economic imbalances. For instance, the EcoNation representing Blacks of the American Experience is called The Topian. Then we assign a cryptocurrency token for that EcoNation. The symbol for the Topian currency is TOP.

EcoNations provide both an organizational point from which healing populations can regroup and collaborate on how to proceed economically, and a means for the world population to realize what the Economic Weight of things are.

Validate: Pair in A.I.R.

AIR (which we’ll talk about next) requires EcoNations to enter the market in pairs. For instance, the first Justice Coin pair are the Topian (representing Blacks of the American Experience) and the CalTejas (representing the Mexican diaspora for the westward expansion of the United States of America that left Mexico with 50% of its territories and a legacy of Human Rights abuses to recover from).

Among other things, pairing elegantly causes each EcoNation to serve as validation of the truth of each others’ experiences and thus the set price of each other’s tokens at any given point in time. It also elegantly provides the mens rea of restorative healing between people groups that have been artificially pitted against each other by the distortions of white supremacy.

Justice Coin Supply tranches become available to fund the launch of subsequent eligible token pairs once both EcoNations in the prior token pair have Released their first GDOFI Entry. This pressure justifiably enforces order in what is a decentralized opt in economic framework.

EcoNational Token Price Discovery Through A.I.R.

In general, the equation is as follows:

Historical & Ongoing Forced Economic Imbalances

Survivor Group Population (Token Supply)

Set Price For Token’s Population

AIR provides us with a granular methodology for arriving at the Forced Economic Imbalances component.

1. COPPER Stage

Cost of Physiological & Psychological Extraction & Repair


What it takes for Survivors to be Extracted From the War Theater, in order to Heal & repair from the trauma for 13 months


Function: Justice addressing the contemporary injuries absorbed by Survivors and the cessation thereof to the extent possible


Added to Token Value: Upon announcement

2. RATES / RATAN Stage

Reasonable Ability to Establish Sovereignty

Reasonable Ability to Aid the Nations


The Economic Weight of the cost to fund the 49 years of operations for each initiative established by EcoNations to address the areas necessary for the healing of their group. Topian for instance, have no established means of reinforcing their own identities amongst themselves or facing the rest of the world at large. Therefore Topian now require their own voice (their currency), and their own infrastructure (sovereign means of engaging with the world) .


Function: Justice acknowledging of EcoNational Sovereignty and dignity


Added to Token Value: Ongoing as discovered





7 stage filter through which we can discover counter-injustice inheritances for the orderly inversion of toxic economic leadership.

3. ELI / GDOFI Stage

Economic Leadership Inversion

Gross Declaration of Forced Imbalances


1 Database with two levels of economic weight discovery.

The ELI is a ratio arrived at by averaging the severity of each claim of forced economic imbalance in the database (be it terrorism, hate crime, disenfranchisement etc)

GDOFI is the granular scope of the ELI. Specific Accumulative Calculations of Historical Damages to Survior-Groups, including current offenses against registered and unregistered Survivors as they emerge.

As GDOFI determinations will take much longer to discover, ELI gives us a Justicization ratio to go off, serving as a launchpad for valid token set prices in the interim.


Function: Justice acknowledging specific imbalances forced upon a Survivor-Group (Eco-Nation), and thereby each Survivor-Group’s rightful comparative economic empowerment in the macro.


Added to Token Value: Ongoing as discovered

4. DUE Stage

Database of Undue Enrichments


Divided amongst all Justice Coin Species proportionate to population size - This is the Cost of Colonial Catch Up - the Aggregate Contemporary Cost of Counter Colonial Efforts. The deployment of centralized fiat money has been the deployment of psychological control toward the objectives of the money printers / policy makers having leveraged the good will of Humanity to cooperate in order. Justice demands that Humanity be then empowered to the same degree, times 2 (one to catch up, the other for economic leadership inversion). The economic weight determined in this stage is divided amongst all EcoNational tokens, proportionate to their populations and AGNP (covered next)


Function: Justice acknowledging how antagonists have unjustly profited from forced imbalances.


Added to Token Value: Ongoing as discovered

5. AGNP Stage

Annual Gross National Product


Current & Ongoing Productivity within each Survivor-Group as reflected in cohort wallet activity. This is very similar to the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) concept we know from the era of territorial economics.


Function: Justice acknowledging Survivor-Group’s ongoing contributions to Humanity despite forced imbalances endured


Added to Token Value: Ongoing as discovered

6. ETB Stage

Environmental Transition Budget


The reckless attitude of infinite growth, expansion and genocide have rendered all survivors with less time than ever before to establish stewardship of the environment before climatological catastrophe is expected. What is the collective cost Justice must provide in order for us to address climatological catastrophe, in the expected time we have left? This ongoing calculation is also divided amongst all survivor groups by population.


Function: Justice acknowledging the restoration of Earth as a prerequisite for the satisfaction of Justice, and confronting the urgency of our recovery - counteracting the environmental effects of the age of injustice.


Added to Token Value: Ongoing as discovered

7. SAGE Stage

Skin, Age, Gender & Employment

Individual Inheritance Determination


After counting the inheritance of every survivor within an EcoNation as equal, there are a myriad of skin color, age, gender, and economic factors that constituted different class categorizations endured in the age of injustice. The SAGE Filter accounts for Skin Tone (the primary basis of discrimination during the age of white supremacy that is now sunsetting). In doing so, the SAGE plugin for Justice Coin Allies accounts, ensures an extremely fair proportionate distribution of the ASI (Average Survivor Inheritance) for each Survivor or Ally. This can be considered an intra-EcoNational ELI (economic leadership inversion). Older Survivors inherit more from events preceding the birth of younger survivors etc., and while all Survivors derive inheritance from all GDOFI entries of their EcoNation, the more oppressed a cohort within an EcoNation has been by a Forced Imbalance entry, the more that cohort inherits proportionately, from those entries. For instance - in all categories, the darker one’s skin, the more they have been oppressed, worldwide. SAGE trimmings are applied to the Economic Weight of Justice Coin (JUSTICE) by way of tribute, denominated in reserves of each Token. Those reserves help fund Justice Coin’s mission to elevate all EcoNations. SAGE conclusions are verified in person at authorized Justice Coin Waypoints


Function: Justice acknowledging the nuance involved on confronting herd injustice


Added to Token Value: Ongoing as discovered

Deployment: Justice Coin Traction


While EcoNational tokens cannot be initially bought, only inherited, Justice Coin ( JUSTICE.eth ) can be earned via promotional bounty, or pre-sale. The token pre-sale price is based on AIR determinations that contribute to the Justice Coin valuation (COPPER, DUE, ETB, and EcoNational token reserves derived from SAGE trimmings). How Justice Coin Set Price is Determined:

This is like saying… The Justice Coin Protocol is guaranteeing that this value (gradually discovered over time) exists in the world today, and that it is in need of a vehicle through which entitled survivors can exercise it in order to restore appropriate economic leadership on the Earth. Otherwise we go without a remedy for the most terrible of enemies - inherited injustice - the momentum of intergenerational error.

The aggregate Economic Weight (cost) of the COPPER, DUE & ETB stages at any given moment gives us a very justifiable starting point for a value for the parent Justice Coin that we can stand behind as we approach the public. Damage has been done, those harmed deserve to be able to escape the trauma theater, to a place of their choosing, free from the gang-stalking / surveillance of abusive cultures. That is not debatable. Even at this point, we are hard pressed to find another currency that can make such a universal claim of utility.

Even so, there are still steps to go before Justice Coin is widely regarded as the most fundamentally necessary World Reserve Currency. In the meantime, the Justice Coin parent token (JUSTICE) serves to provide liquidity for operations of the Justice Coin effort as a whole, while allowing Survivor tokens to incubate, away from still toxic market forces. While Survivor tokens can be used by Survivors as underwriting assets for other more immediately fungible currencies during our transition into the Justice Age, Survivor tokens are not released for sale on the Justice Coin Exchange until their token reaches stability, a state determined by Survivor consensus of sufficient AIR development.

Adoption: Scaling Usage

Some and indeed many don’t see Justice as being of the highest priority to preserve. Some believe more in the intrinsic value of gold or silver to keep present and future Humans safe from the harms that arise when greed and narcissism are in authority. For many of them, it will take time to see that Justice Coin is on the right side of history where monetary theory is concerned. But core adoption will be driven by:

1.) The incentive of populations who have suffered unaddressed injustices to finally see their actual worth realized and exercised in their lifetime, and

2.) The incentive of formerly unjustly privileged individuals to opt-out of the cognitive dissonance in participating in the unjust, Human Potential reducing economy of the past, in favor of opting-in to Justice.

3.) The incentive of all individuals and cohorts to avoid the otherwise impending state of poverty featured in frameworks based on mere greed and inherited injustice, as poverty universally excludes and reduces Human Potential wherever it emerges.

What About Bitcoin?

Because of our collective gratitude to Sitoshi for the brilliant advance that BitCoin represents, we tend to take its salvific implications for monetary accountability modeling, and expand that to mean that somehow that alone will produce Justice in Human affairs. This is not so.

The utility for Bitcoin is the greatest financial innovation (perhaps even invention) since the personal computer (and the key components thereof). But at this time, the culture is merely using it as a means of storing fiat value against the continual printing of more… fiat.

Justice Coin is about the revealing of the true distribution of power, thereby restoring more appropriate leadership to the fore of Humanity. More appropriate than the defenders of white supremacist power that became the occasion for Justice Coin’s creation.

What About Gold?

The “Gold is real money” meme is unfortunately loaded with a merely supremacist, colonial logic. Because of its intoxicating effect on the colonial European mind, indigenous peoples were considered stupid for not valuing the element in the same way.

“Were I to vindicate our right to make slaves of the negroes, these should be my arguments… Sugar would be too dear if the plants which produce it were cultivated by any other than slaves.These creatures are all over black, and with such a flat nose that they can scarcely be pitied. It is hardly to be believed that God, who is a wise Being, should place a soul, especially a good soul, in such a black ugly body… The negroes prefer a glass necklace to that of gold which polite nations so highly value.Can there be a greater proof of their wanting common sense? It is impossible for us to suppose these creatures to be men…”


The Spirit of Laws

And as distorted as gold worship is (no matter how popular it is), the idea of gold as the de facto store of value has stuck to this day.

While gold does indeed have great value in a great many applications (electronics, computing, dentistry, healthcare etc) the outlook that gold should represent wealth, is misguided - albeit in the company of Montesquieu.

What to say then about the ability for a thief or a tyrant to just confiscate your gold? In such a case, faith in gold as having ultimate economic power, is still faith in a system in which the biggest tricksters and thieves rule all.

So gold is not the ultimate value. And even until Justice Coin, gold represents a justification for the continuity of a game that has its roots in Euro-supremesist pathology. And oh can’t we do better than that. Can we - this next time around - do better than the golden calf? Is it possible to admit that something closer to Justice should be considered of greater value than conductive minerals? I trust that the more you think about it, the more you’ll be on our side.

The Ultimatum

What we are used to, is the use of bullying to “get things done”. Armies enforcing currency acceptance. Not so with Justice Coin. Unlike those monies that once had our confidence, Justice Coin needs no army to enforce its perpetual utility.

Just as individuals migrate away from toxic places and behaviors as they develop, so too will populations migrate away from toxic currency / economic leadership schemes, as they wake up.

When the opportunity to come out of a hoax has been rejected, what remains in continuing to live a lie, is increased mental illness. As far as the mental illness already taken on by all participants in the age of white supremacy, the only hope for reversing that damage, is to migrate toward the proper environment - the environment in which Justice and Truth, reign, not mere senses of entitlement. Only by allowing yourself to see that place (which is already here), can you escape the coming ultimate democide of those who chose to continue living the lie.

It’s Justice Coin, or mental illness far worse than the white supremacy delusion we are already intimately familiar with (whether we admit it or not).

While we know that many will reject truth in economic leadership, we extend the invitation still. Now is the time to repent from what you know is wicked.

The science is clear, those who choose to operate in toxicity, against Justice, take on psychological ruin (even in the short term). What will become of the mind that refuses to “come off of it”, or “own up to inconvenient truth”? Such a one walks in constant hell. The desperation to escape, and eventually to avoid that hell, is the exclusive mote and mortar on the side of Justice Coin.

For the rest of us who don’t need convincing that Justice is the way - we know we can only expect moral decay when the current distribution of [economic] power is skewed in all the Earth. And because economic status represents the leadership of mankind in the option to exercise the entitlement of historical claim, we should then look to economics as the point from which we derive the big solution. The only solution able to at once satisfy Justice, and correct the psychology of all Humanity, such that we can continue on into the future together in an orderly fashion, as our Creator would have it.

The fiat system we’ve known is beyond fixing - it is ontologically flawed. We don’t need to correct the monetary system, we need a new one. Unless the world economic system is completely overhauled and reimagined to prioritize Truth in Economic Leadership based on Justice, we’re wasting our time.

Diversion after diversion are deployed to keep this elephant in the room from being seen - but the last shall be first, and the first shall be last, or Justice remains unrealized.

This misrepresentative distortion colonial economics demands you comply with, absolutely affects your life in negative ways no matter who you are - rich or poor. A world with 99% of the Humans subsisting in reduced Human Potential means everyone lives in a reduced existence.

And because we are not able to expect legacy control systems so soaked in bias to produce such an uncharacteristically noble change in trajectory, Justice Coin was created to provide that very vehicle, toward the complete revelation of our collective economic truth.

Welcome to the future.

Mark Gregory Dockery

Justice Coin Founder

March 27, 2021







Justice Coin




1.302 quadrillion (10^15)

18 Decimals per token

Providing moral clarity for the decentralized economy regarding market distortions in supply, access, and surplus distribution.

Token Distribution



Bounty Fund

Pre-Sale Fund



Founder’s Bounty


Justice Coin Development &Operational Reserve



Cold Storage

HPI Initiatives Reserve

EcoNational Token Seed Reserves

Register Now! 

to opt-in to post-colonial economics & receive your Inheritance in Cryptocurrency

Select up to 2 People Groups that you identify most closely with. In your Justice Coin Wallet (Which You’re Establishing Now), we will be depositing your inheritance token(s) provisionally until you are verified by your EcoNation. Inheritance Tokens are worth the unresolved damages your group has endured, divided by your population.