The Cryptocurrencies tied to tangible Justice, Human Potential, and the righting of historical wrongs. Repairing Unresolved Forced Economic Imbalances, to Produce Worldwide Economic Truth.


Vocabulary for Human Advancement 

The main reason we are in such desperate need of Justice (is not because you’re not smart) it’s because the language of misdirection is all we have been taught leaves us trapped in a linguistic cage that our conversations don’t let us out of.

How could that happen!? 

Put simply… the established political vocabulary we’ve been raised with, was not programmed into us for our benefit, but for the benefit of those who have guided us into a mindset of intractable white economic supremacy delusion. Words that force us into revalidating something we all know is unjust, and stacked on a legacy of theft, lies, terror, and gaslighting.

It is very uncomfortable for those wearing the entitlement of a ruling class, when the masses see and understand their environment and situation clearly. For this reason, communicating the need for Justice Coin required the development of new / or newly framed vocabulary, that enable us to see over and around the hoax of economic warfare.

One of the greatest contributions we can make to the world is to release you from the cage of colonial spells… weaponized vocabulary, by arming you with terms and phrases that inoculate you against their influence by exposing the illegitimacy of the terms, phrases and concepts that have held us back.

Welcome to the Future.


In no particular order…

Economic Weight

The actual comparative meaning of an asset translated through Justice, relative to the Aggregate Economic Weight. Currency A might have a greater supply (number of units printed of their currency) but Currency B may be worth more, with less supply because it has a greater Economic Weight. Economic Weight level calculations must take into account the world population, resources etc.

Aggregate Economic Weight (AEW)

The top of all determinations. The sum of all Economic Weight.


In the context of revealing Justice, disorientation should be seen as the primary means through which injustice has been both established and maintained. This can be confirmed by the following intelligence community directive:

“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything theAmerican public believes is false.”

- William Casey -

CIA Director

When you are disoriented, you are easily confused, manipulated etc. Manageable sheep. A culture of “marketing” will emerge to exploit and entrench your state of vulnerability, and on and on. Disorientation is your main target regarding your personal journey of decolonization. You know that the colonizer (even if they were your ancestors) used lies (disorientation) against you - to keep their presumed dignity in tact, and for continuity. And you also know that it is not good to be living a lie, and that lies are things you are better off disabused of. Justice Coin is the ultimate opportunity in that direction. We’ve all been completely duped with regards to what value is in the world, where leadership and authority actually are, who the “bad guys” really are, where we are in the universe, what and what not to eat, how we should live, and so on.

Error Entrenchment

Usually manifesting as a defense mechanism - the phenomenon of doubling down on (injustice for instance), or any toxic state of behaving, when opportunities to exit the error are presented. This causes among other things, an increased hardening of mental delay and mental illness in those persisting in it.

Forced Error Entrenchment

For instance - it is possible for one to be more or less forced into error entrenchment by their racial identification [for instance a male who is not in his heart a racist or entitled in any way, but forced to identify as “White” by way of birth, bullying or enculturation, and thus producing in him the same psychological consequences of error as those who engage in more willing error entrenchment.

Re-Validating / Revalidation

Just as the farmer uses gates and fences to ensure that his livestock continue to profit him by staying within his sphere of greatest influence, likewise, the vocabulary we are taught and led to use, are psychological fences, established by those who would rather we keep doing what we’re doing, instead of transcending the oppression we have in common. These verbal spells keep us unconsciously validating & revalidating the preferred reality of “the rich”, every time we use them.

Very close to the idea of a “Dog-Whitstle”, but revalidation can even be much more subtle, and engaged in unbeknownst to the listener and the speaker.

In effect what revalidating does, is subtly invoke underlying authority, usually by subtly virtue signaling. This is possibly the most important concept the public needs to be aware of in order to recover from the world’s total submersion in white supremacy.

Revalidation is a term that has been more closely associated with revalidating the continued competence of a healthcare practitioner - affirming their worthiness to continue on in their practice. But in the context of world Justice / White Supremacy Rehabilitation - Revalidation is more of a psychological phenomenon. Wherein you… through simply speaking, establish and harden bad logic in your own mind, and in the minds of those who hear you without having in their possession the skill of spotting revalidations (psychological viruses) around them, and defend themselves against them.

Initial Violence Outlay (IVO)

Establishment of Psychological Control through violent acts, even down to emotional abuse.Trauma Bonding / Stockholm Syndrome ironically seem to be the basal, default human response to such traumas. This is why people remain in abusive relationships, and by extension why people remain under white supremacy inter-generationally.

Colonizer Descendant Disorder

Close to what Robin DiAngelo coined as White Fragility, this term calls us to expand the range of toxic behaviors radiated by those who identify as White (the category of privilege established by Virginia legislature in the late 1600s). In addition to white fragility (a broader conveyance of defensiveness), CDD includes more subtle manifestations than even defensiveness, such as:

* Employing People of Color for non-Justice related undertakings or ignoring significant issues when interacting with POC (gaslighting)

* Claiming ownership of lands and goods stolen from people of color

* Smear campaigns against POC

* Revalidating and signaling justifications for genocides and other colonial crimes etc.

CDD calls us to not just see Robin’s fantastic observations as a foible, but a disorder - such that even those pure in heart (as she is), still can’t help but to suffer from here and there.

CDD is not an attempt to defame White Identifiers or somehow outline inherently European characteristics or deficits (as in Michael Bradley’s acclaimed work “Iceman Inheritance : Prehistoric Sources of Western Man's Racism, Sexism and Aggression), but rather an attempt to associate the psychological condition of whiteness as inherited through white law, with abusive personality styles in the Custer B category, wherein all the same characteristics color the various diagnoses.


The institutionalized form of disorientation employed through the K-12 education schema, collegiate and fraternity systems. Objectively the same as disorientation, the function is to render a public of de-potentiated Humans, incapable of transcending the grip of the wicked.


Rooted in a psychological comfort found in consistency, normalization is the process by which anyone (both the colonizers and colonized) seek to signal that even the most horrible aspects of their environment / culture, are in fact acceptable. Normalization is employed mostly through conversational syntax (words / spelling), but is also pursued through visual presentations such as cinema and advertisements in less subtle ways, such as overt exploitation or stereotyping.

Dietary / Nutritional Warfare

The issue of nutritional warfare alone is enough to justify rejecting the validity of accommodating “authorities”. Understand that nutrients are the difference between life and death for all creatures, and to the extent that the poisoning of you and yours has been sanctioned by a group, is the extent to which that group is an illegitimate authority, and you should seek leadership elsewhere.

Unity Theater

Situationally dependent phenomenon - this is the social faking that goes on where race is concerned. Behavior through which White Identifiers pretend to want fellowship and parity with Blacks, Mexicans etc., or through which Blacks pretend to be well adjusted to the economically white supremacist environment, such that they’ve got no better ideas about what Justice and authentic civics might look like. The Cessation of Unity Theater is a necessary step for any person interested in the revelation of Justice. Unity Theater might be the most sinister tactic of white supremacy in use.


Narcissism is a condition taken from the field of psychology that correlates attributes such as lack of empathy, deep craving for attention, priority, favor, adoration etc. There is deep mystery surrounding narcissism, but we know that it can certainly be induced, and when one is born into a world that reinforces their narcissism, it is likely that the narcissism will continue to develop in that person, and that it will become malignant if never addressed. It is very important to not enable narcissism in Humans or any creature or machine. The loss of Human Potential surrounding the condition of narcissism is unfathomable. Yet narcissism is intentionally programmed into populations, and unwittingly passed on within ignorant families, eventually choking out their family line.


The #1 cause of death in the history of Humanity, democide is simply death by government. It is more an important that all people understand, and hold this inconvenient truth. Understanding and admitting that we have been farmed like cattle instead of honored as one made in God’s image is difficult, but necessary in order to be psychologically well.

Future Faking

This is a term used frequently in clinical psychology to describe the phenomenon wherein persons with narcissistic personality disorder pretend to possess values that they don’t actually possess, and intentions that they don’t actually have, in order to keep narcissistic supply around. In the context of Justice, consider that every bit of lip service that American whiteness has played to Justice, has been future-faking. It never intended to change. It arrived ugly, and it remains ugly. Future Faking was used against Mexico when White “settlers” began to occupy Texas, demonstrating such a sweet disposition of humility and peace. But you know the story - Whiteness took all of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, California, and beyond. Future Faking.

Justice Coin Waypoints

Authorized locations where Survivor populations can go for final verifications, Passport processing. These are Churches & Outreach Ministries that have subscribed to Justice Coin.

Contextual Masking

This term aims at the conditions under which White Identifiers express “whiteness” (a cohort nominally identifying with elevated status). However the term can probably be more easily understood to describe the phenomenon of say… secret fraternity members, who discuss matters within the confines of their group that they do not discuss outside of that context (the context being their private group). The term posits that the ongoing realization of white supremacist outcomes, suggests that organized efforts are being carried out covertly, to maintain the continuity of what is economically and effectively, white supremacy. Masking is just a more specific nomination for instances where a situation was produced where “something” is “understood” and “allowed” by members of an in-group.

The Membrane, is the pledge (if we follow the fraternity analogy) - the phenomenology that binds the “in-group” - the group that masks their schemes (maybe because they know they are morally wrong and worthy of rebuke - casting doubt on the validity of their claimed accomplishments and sense of self respect… if everyone but the already compromised found out).

Outside of the membrane, is the target population (Where Justice Coin is concerned, that would be POC… the Indigenous, colonized People of The Earth).

Though one might think the authoring of these definitions would accompany an accusation that “whiteness” is the membrane, but that is is far from the truth. The membrane is commitment to the historic money system, which is what has been the conduit through which white supremacy’s “power”, has been transmitted (since overt racism has been made unfashionable). So the membrane is not being “White”, the membrane is the commitment to white money, so this includes a great many Black Folk as well. Black Folk whose ultimate commitment is to white money, will push past the discomfort of compromise, and participate in the undoing of their own people in order to advance in an economy established around the objectives of white Identity. When People of Color demonstrate to White Identifiers that they are such a person, they are subsequently invited into spaces where white supremacist objectives are more openly discussed and pursued, and they are rewarded commensurately, according to their level of participation.

This does not have to be overt allegiance to “white money” per se, it can be common things… mortgages, car loans, record deals, employment agreements, or appeals to white political institutions - all these things maintain the membrane of white supremacy, which must distribute these Assimilation Schemes so that it can hide among those which it targets. Aiding these assimilation schemes, are the vastly disproportionate rewards that white supremacy bestows upon those who involve themselves in the most visible assimilation schemes (entertainers essentially). This serves as plausible deniability for white supremacy at large, and those who don’t want to admit their conformity to it, as it allows white identifiers to defend themselves with stuff like this (which I’m sure you’ve never heard before):