The peculiar position of Negroes in America offers an opportunity. … With the use of their political power, their power as consumers, and their brainpower … Negroes can develop in the United States an economic nation within a nation ...

W.E.B. Du Bois

A Negro Nation Within a Nation

The Justice Coin species & economic-nation representing Survivors of Black American Experience.

Through The Justice Coin Protocol, the Topian is empowering Blacks of the American Experience to engage with the Decentralized Economy from their own voice, backed by Justice,and substantiated by their ongoing productivity in the face of the Forced Economic Imbalances they inherit and continue to endure.

represent value

That represents YOUR values


Price Discovery Frontier

1 Topian 

Inheritance Token


The Economic Weight of


Current US Dollars

Exchange value

That accounts

for YOURChampions

Exchange value

That accounts for YOUR Victory

Exchange value

That accounts for YOUR history

Understanding the decentralized economy means understanding the need for a correction mechanism by which we can purify our monetary system of the forced imbalances we inherit from the colonial age - otherwise “Web 3” is just “White Supremacy 2”. Justice Coin is that correction mechanism. And it is appropriate that Topian (representing Blacks of the American Experience - the only people group entering the decentralized economy having never received reparations from the colonial age) is the first in the chain of EcoNations.

Mark Gregory Dockery (1302)

Founder - Justice Coin

Creator - Human Potential Index

Was Your Biological Father a Survivor of 

the Black American Experience?

Register now to:


Price Discovery Frontier

1 Topian 

Inheritance Token


The Economic Weight of


Current US Dollars

Register Now! 

to opt-in to post-colonial economics & receive your Inheritance in Cryptocurrency

Select up to 2 People Groups that you identify most closely with. In your Justice Coin Wallet (Which You’re Establishing Now), we will be depositing your inheritance token(s) provisionally until you are verified by your EcoNation. Inheritance Tokens are worth the unresolved damages your group has endured, divided by your population.