The Dignity Gap

The Silent Killer of White People Under White Supremacist Economics

Version 1.0 

Written by 1302

The Cryptocurrencies tied to tangible Justice, Human Potential, and the righting of historical wrongs. Repairing Unresolved Forced Economic Imbalances, to Produce Worldwide Economic Truth.

The Idea:

Injured and oppressed cohorts inherit a comparative surplus of Authority versus the descendants of the oppressor class, proportionate to the amount of injustice that remains unresolved in their mutual environment.

Pre-JusticeCoin Protocol Adoption

Post-JusticeCoin Protocol Adoption

High Dignity Potential (Actual Authority)

Comparative Dignity Yield

Low Dignity Potential

People of Color

White Identifiers

White Identifiers

People of Color


Former Whiter Identifiers

Corrected Economic Imbalances

Remaining FEI

(Forced Economic Imbalances)

Against P.O.C.

Uncorrected Economic Imbalances

When looking around for what to invest in - what to spend your time on etc., it should cross your mind to orient your quest, around a moral imperative.

Among the first things that should come to your mind, is to survive. To outlive whatever odds are against your life, and those of your offspring. And to that end, the conclusion of many, is money at all costs - and it is at that step, where we’ve been tricked into revalidating the economic authority of the colonial spirit.

The Dignity Gap represents the comparative ineligibility for moral authority among the White Identifier Experience due to the proportionately extant theft that it has assumed as assets / power under colonial economics.

I've looked far and wide for a pre-existing term for this and suspiciously couldn't find one so I'm coining it - The Dignity Gap.

I don’t have time to write the book but anyone feel free to go in on this. It's a shockingly undiscussed phenomenon.

We're used to having this issue discussed in terms of of some sort of... equality gap, or income gap, or opportunity gap... but we are NOT accustomed to discussing the aspect that I am coining as, the Dignity Gap.

The more I learned about the history of race / labor relations in the United States, the more I came to realize this unspoken consequence - that there’s nearly no way for a White identifying man to have any comparative dignity next to a Black man. That explains segregation and separate but equal - not that white supremacy was receding, but providing for itself the space to pursue dignity - oblivious to the Black American Experience. Having hid the evidence of their wickedness, they embarked upon the segregated life with the hopes that they could forget whose blood and bones their paradise was built on.

How can a white man posit himself to deserve any advantage in an environment where descendants of their establishing slave labor are also present? They can’t. They can be intellectually dishonest about the implications of being a people with the longest and most contemporary history if genocide. And despite the appearance of dignity in the elite classes of the Eurocentric Macroeconomy, the underlying data reveals that White Identifiers are an especially damaged cohort, psychologically.

Now about the racism in this chart here - when you consider that those of the greed line are a very small group who experienced a most unprecedented 90+% genocide at the hands of those of the yellow line… we’re better off just taking the green line off right? Then we can see the true state of terminal mental illness by race in the United States.

This is also more evidence of the very high level of “buy in” to white supremacy, among white identifiers. No not card carrying Klansmen - the very passive even unwitting kind that allows one to internalize the cultural promises made to the white identifying male so much, that when those subtle promises of power let him down… deaths of despair is what they call it I believe.

And it doesn’t just hurt white identifiers, it hurts everyone else.

How the Dignity Gap Show Up in Our Lives:

Killer Cops / Lynchings:

I put lynchings in this category as well because there’s effectively no difference between extrajudicial police slaughter of Black Life, and lynchings. Both involve deputized defenders of white power structure killing Black lives, resulting in the intimidation and terrorization of other Blacks, toward further capitulation to white anti-values. The lack of dignity and it’s proportionate ineligibility for authority on display in these police lynchings are obviously horrible, but the deputized status of these “officers” means that we can lead a systemic etiology (source) of ineligible authority at play.


Do political spaces remain colonial? Even colonial as they remain, who among the White Identified Man would have the ACTUAL authority to speak in those unrepentant colonial spaces? Do the unrepentant render legitimacy unto themselves? Are you obligated to honor what is illegitimate? These queries really bring whatever political theater remaining active near you into question. These conflicts can only be resolved once economic imbalances have been corrected for.

White Fragility / Defensiveness:

Which essentially makes it impossible for White & Black folk to have healthy relationships often times. Unless the broader economic environment is brought to heel by Justice, White Identifiers will only grow more defensive as the days go by as they continue broadcasting and enforcing entitlement to all the people and resources of Earth.

How Can One Close the Dignity Gap?

Though Justice is clearly aimed at the restoration of those unjustly damaged, Justice also simultaneously closes the Dignity Gap, which is in the best interest of even the beneficiaries of injustice, as their mental health is otherwise undermined wherever injustice has not been ultimately (economically) reckoned with.

The shockingly disproportionate levels of White Male suicide have perplexed psychologists and sociologists not versed in spiritual matters, but from the dimension of moral inheritance, it is easy to see why the Justice Coin Protocol must be pursued from a public health perspective as well. We need White Identifying Men to have an option to the madness of committing to the continuity of a morally imbecilic system - it’s literally killing them. We need a device to ensurenot that Justice reigns as the central spoke of our moral / Economic state, but that facilitates the moral restoration of the White Man. Justice Coin is that platform.

Wake Up!

Join Us.

Welcome to the Future.
