Justice Coin vs. Narcissism

How Justice Coin Addresses THE… Epidemic of our Time

Version 1.0 

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The Cryptocurrencies tied to tangible Justice, Human Potential, and the righting of historical wrongs. Repairing Unresolved Forced Economic Imbalances, to Produce Worldwide Economic Truth.

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“Narcissists aren’t made by systems - narcissism is a disorder of the self, however, in order to thrive, it must be accepted or approved by a system.”

Diane Lanberg

When you think about it, the only problem in the world, is the toxic person. Interpersonal harm would only be accidental if it weren’t for those who for whatever reason are able to operate outside of empathy and purity for any length of time.

This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come . For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, truce-breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, high-minded , lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

2 Timothy 3:1-5

The time foretold in this prophecy has come. Today it is more or less unanimous among psychological experts, that abusive personality disorders (like Narcissistic Personality Disorder) have reached pandemic levels.

Toxic people are not so much a mystery as they were in times past

And since healthy people don’t generally desire toxic people, how is it that this pandemic has emerged? Well the answer is that it didn’t emerge from the bottom up, it tricked down. It comes from the narcissistic way in which our world economic order was established, the narcissistic ways in which it is maintained, and the dependency the majority of the population has on mimicking the behavior of those with enviable material outcomes. Put simply, if “the way it is” is (white supremacist), then the majority conform to narcissism, because that’s what white supremacy delusion is.

The psychological condition that we know of as white supremacy is largely already mapped out in clinical psychology within the scope of what are called “Cluster B Personality Disorders”, AKA, abusive personality disorders, which feature lack of apparent empathy, recurring aggression, manipulation, exploitation, and disregard for others. Narcissistic personality disorderis among the cluster B diagnoses, and today the consensus is, it’s on the rise at an epidemic scale. Narcissism can develop due to underdevelopments in certain parts of the brain, or acquired attitudinally and behaviorally through grooming and infection by “guardians” and environmental bad-actors from one’s youth, on into their early adult years.

The only way to cure this demon, is what scripture calls the “Evangelion” - The Gospel - The Good News.

The layman will tell you the good news is that someone named Jesus DIED for YOUR SINS thus your guilt, confusion and indebtedness require you to divest your time and money into (fill in the blank institution), so that you won’t be such a hypocrite. But that isn’t good news at all, neither is it The Gospel reflected in the teachings of Yeshua or the scriptures.

The real gospel of Yeshua (commonly called Jesus) is, “repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand” aka “you must be born again”. And when that synecdoche is expanded with the details we gather from Daniel and Isaiah and Obadiah (the prophets and such) as well as Yeshua himself - we learn that the gospel also means…

Those of the heritage of the colonizer, will come to hate their forefathers for all the lies they inherited, and The Most High will send a Human agent from among the colonized, who will raise a new standard for money, that will reflect the true wealth of those who have historically had their identities stolen. Then the last will be first and the first will be the last, and those who refuse that message, and insist on accepting the money of “the beast”, will lose their psychology.

Now we can see how THIS is good news.

The reason the gospel cures the racist style of narcissism, is because as opposed to living in the shared fantasy of white supremacy (an extension of the racist’s false self), living in an environment where one’s ACTUAL COMPARATIVE STATUS is reflected by everything and everyone around them, exploits 3 major pathways to narcissistic behavior modification:

1.) The need for herd approval (so they know they are accepted by the only mode of authority that makes sense to them… majority).

2.) The strong desire to be seen as always right (to avoid being seen as being as wrong as they actually feel)

3.) The appetite for apparent power (or to be associated with it, in attempt to gain what they feel devoid of).

The Gospel is the only thing that accomplishes that.

The day in which the racist must exchange “a Malcom X” instead of “an Andrew Jackson” for her food… well that’s the day she’s no longer functionally a racist. That’s the day when all the “feelings” she has about what she’s entitled to at the expense of others…they become just… her feelings, not the reality that everyone has to live in. When the values others are forced to circulate, revalidate her inner sense of racial superiority, and economic entitlement, her condition gets worse. Only when those around her display the courage to disallow her from infecting actual reality with her bias, is she curable. Just as cancer cells defend themselves by entrenching in tumors, so too does the spiritual cancer of narcissism and racism defend itself through denial, and the entrenchment of the subject into their fantasy world, and false self.

The great work (regarding racism) is embodied in Justice Coin - the only existing opportunity for the decedents of the historical colonizers to disenroll from white supremacy, and enroll in the revalidation of the history we know is true, but have been forced to ignore. That nearly the whole world has been stolen from People of Color, and that through trauma and weaponized economics, People of Color have even been stolen from themselves. In standing by the true wealth of all people groups, one is standing for truth in economic leadership, and economic leadership is the only realistic definition for what is generally referred to as “power”. When power and influence are in their proper place, there will be no white supremacy. And there won’t be most of things that plague us as a species today.

To prove this in the macro, we’ve set up the Human Potential Index, to track active Human Potential suppression, and improvement.

With all respect to the great many gurus of the narcissism community helping people deal with NPD on a daily basis - there IS a cure for narcissism. You are all still correct in saying it’s incurable, but take a bigger scope with me… though the brain architecture is permanent, the abusiveness, hurtfulness, is not. Let’s expand on that…

In an environment established on injustice, the narcissistically disordered individual mirrors the spirit / motivation of the culture, and thus mirrors injustice. Not because they are innately evil (the narcissistically disordered), but because their condition of mimicry dependence renders them unable to behave outside of the mode of authority they operate within (injustice in the macro).Likewise… in an environment established on JUSTICE, the narcissistically disordered individual will then mirrorJUSTICE. Not because they are innately good (the narcissistically disordered), but because their condition of mimicry dependence, renders them ultimately unable to operate outside the mode of authority they operate within.

Further - the only channel that matters where Justice is concerned, is economic leadership. And in line with Diane Langberg’s brilliant insight…

“Narcissists aren’t made by systems - narcissism is a disorder of the self, however, in order to thrive, it must be accepted or approved by a system.”

Narcissism and the Systems it Breeds - Diane Langberg (34:34)

…we can easily refer to narcissism as trickle down disorder of the mind.Abusive behavior in the micro, from persons with androidism, narcissism, mimicry dependent personalities etc. is indicative of widely accepted narcissistic systems in the macro. Think about that for a moment. So if we find that white supremacist economics fits the bill as a narcissistic framework under which the world has been living, it might be a good place to start decolonizing, if we are at all serious about the survival of the Human species.

As the founder of Justice Coin, I’ve identified the sum of these historical differences have been preserved in colonial economics, a scheme that once accounted for, can then be used to inform the tool we use to migrate away from.

So while I agree with you that the condition technically… we have no reason to call narcissism curable, we must… and indeed

We have a responsibility, to declare the only dependable source of behavior modification possible, as the only hope we have to cure our species of this otherwise extinction level condition of transmissible abusive personality disorder spreading quickly today.

- the migration to a society based on Justice. And yes, that means recounting the beans, to find out exactly who is entitled to exactly what percentage of the world’s economic leadership. And yes, that requires doing what Justice Coin is doing - taking an account of each and every economic imbalance forced upon colonized people groups.

How can we expect anyone to heal properly of anything, while being psychologically disoriented every moment of their lives? All because we’re afraid to talk about the truth, as that would make those who are hell bent on preserving economic injustice uncomfortable?! We’d be silly to carry on that way. This is why it is written in the Bible to pursue Justice above everything - that’s the same as pursuing and honoring The Most High Creator (Deut 16).

Now let’s look at some of the peer reviewed approaches to treat cluster abusive personality disorders, and how Justice Coin elegantly satisfies them in all by facilitating their exercise in our mutual environment.

Behavior Therapy

Changing behavior through counter conditioning.

Cognitive Therapy

Changing thoughts by focusing on the way one thinks about themselves & others, & the world.

CBT / Cognitive Behavior Therapy

The therapist becomes the main relationship for the patient. The relationship creates the change.

Cold Therapy

Pioneered by Sam Vaknin, it borrows tools from child psychology to re-traumatize one with the same thing that caused the trauma in the first place, in order to re-pattern the mind.

All these, the most useful techniques against Narcissism, what is needed is an environmental approach to holding the narcissistic psychology accountable. Checking it, if you willl

And why must you be interested in such sweeping change as Justice Coin? Because unless the change is collective, the most psychologically vulnerable among us (the disordered) cannot override the Collective Narcissism called America or “The” Church, or “The” Crown, or Manifest Destiny, or “The” White Man’s authority, or “The” White Man’s money… all of which are ontologically narcissistic, evident in their stated purpose, spiritual vector, and manifest outcomes.

So… if you are not serious about Justice - the restoration of dignity among Humanity - you may not be in possession of the maturity gifted into those able to consider the feeble-minded, their dependencies, and what your response to that means regarding your moral disposition. But for those who understand the narcissism epidemic that is in full swing today, it is possible for those to imagine where this goes if it keeps spreading. If the abusive people continue to become a greater percentage of the general population. If the infection continues to spread, and the only remaining Humans are quarantined into tiny communities tucked away far from cities and mind control regimes exploiting the mimicry-reliant masses of the world. It’s happening already. And if you can admit that, you will ally with all of us in the Justice Coin community. Because Justice Coin is the only way to cure NPD / APD / Cluster B. The only way to render them non-toxic. We heal it at the point of determining actual economic leadership, and that is the point Justice Coin singularly addresses.

“Narcissists literally shape-shift - they literally become different people, under different circumstances, in different environments…”

Sam Vaknin

World Authority on Narcissism


And only Justice Coin can exploit the antigenic / genetic drift features of narcissism - the properties within it that allow for painless behavior modification toward non-abusiveness. We do this by once and for all, changing the macro environment, from one led by the narcissistic spirit of colonial supremacy, and replacing it with appropriate economic leadership, leveraging the narcissistic virus’ main weakness (power mimicry dependence) in order to bring about mimicry of Justice, as opposed to mimicry of the lying destroyer that colonization / white supremacy / capitalism is.

Wake Up!

Welcome to the Future.


Accessible Videos on the Topic

Narcissism Virus Vaccine NOW: It Evades Your Immunity! Real Pandemic Is Here!

- Sam Vaknin

Narcissism and the System it Breeds

- Diane Lanberg