Why Representation Doesn’t Matter 

In Hollywood of Political Theater

Version 1.0 

Written by 1302

The Cryptocurrencies tied to tangible Justice, Human Potential, and the righting of historical wrongs. Repairing Unresolved Forced Economic Imbalances, to Produce Worldwide Economic Truth.

Primer Scene


Steven Meets Django / Django Unchained


Quentin Tarantino / 2012

Scene Credits

Samuel L. Jackson / Leonardo DiCaprio


Colombia Pictures

We all know the idea… we express it in a lot of ways…





Uncle Tom


Being “In The Sunken Place”


Captured by The Borg

Stockholm Syndrome

The idea that someone can be apparently Black on the outside, but completely colonized “White” on the inside. That though they CLEARLY have good reason to see his relationship with colonial culture as a toxic relationship, one has psychologically relinquished their personal link to out-grouped peoples, and fallen under a narcissistic spell with the expectations of those who currently inherit authority within white-supremacy-delusion cults (like American colonies and states).

The earliest idea we have of someone like this, is the “Taskmaster”. Someone who is of the same color as the colonized, but put in a position of authority and power over the others.

Therefore they did set over them taskmasters to afflict them with their burdens. And they built for Pharaoh treasure cities, Pithom and Ramses…

And the LORD said, I have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in Egypt, and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters; for I know their sorrows…

And Pharaoh commanded the same day the taskmasters of the people, and their officers, saying, Ye shall no more give the people straw to make brick, as heretofore: let them go and gather straw for themselves… And the taskmasters of the people went out, and their officers, and they spake to the people, saying, Thus saith Pharaoh, I will not give you straw… And the taskmasters hasted them, saying, Fulfill your works, your daily tasks, as when there was straw… And the officers of the children of Israel, which Pharaoh's taskmasters had set over them, were beaten, and demanded, Wherefore have ye not fulfilled your task in making brick both yesterday and to day, as heretofore?

Exodus 1 - 5

Very subtle yet effective tactic - been used since ancient Egypt. It’s great for the colonizer’s motives because now, not only do you have willing managerial staff who know the language and cultural nuances of your slaves, but the enslaved people have reason to believe that the “cage” is flexible, and that a better life is possible for Blacks, if they mirror the behaviors attitudes and disposition of the taskmaster. The presence of the taskmaster installs cognitive dissonance in the mind of the slave - dissonance with the idea that they are enslaved at all! Now… with the presence of the taskmaster, they’re forced to believe that they’re just not ambitious enough, or smart enough, or talented enough, or nice enough to massa! A very subtle deception.

So… the Bible call ‘em taskmasters, I call ‘em taskmasters. Sellout and all that feels like slander to me. And while they all are in need of rebuke for various things, I have a great deal of respect for them and their work.

“In this White Man’s world, we the ones chosen

So goodnight cruel world I’ll see you in the mo’nin.”

- Kanye West -

When Black Folk are chosen to be in positions of “leadership”, “celebrity”, “example”, to the eye of the uninformed, it appears as though the Blacks have broken through. They’ve made headway. But that response is the reason why colonizing forces employ the ancient tactic of taskmasters in the first place… to trick the colonized into thinking there’s no fence.

See there are a few “Slave Revolts” in history that reflect this principle to us… NOTHING… likes to be caged in. No animal, no plant, and certainly no man. Nothing is in good health when colonized and put in chains. Let alone exploited. So everything will try its best to get OUT of chains.

With Humans, you can do this trick where you program them. You can program them to do anything, even do whatever you say.

If you get the ratio of taskmaster to slave just right… you can stave off a slave rebellion forever.

Take the ones that capitulate willingly and enthusiastically.

Place them in better trappings. Let them be seen as blessed.

The others will see that the path to having an easier life, is…

Capitulate willingly, and enthusiastically.

But if the ratio gets off… the gig is up… those under the psychological condition of enslavement will see that it’s just a trick, and that there’s really no way to advance… they’re just using tokens to make us think there is.

If you take “representation” in colonial government to be a sign of something positive… I dunno… I’m wagging my finger at you. But really… you are in danger with regards to your health, and I invite you to not be afraid, and to allow yourself to remember that colonizing isn’t just overtly decimating a population to make way for capitalism… its also about covert, deceptive white supremacy. Which involves the tactic of using “representation” to fool you into thinking “There’s no fence baby!” And to make it doubly bad, it fools the unwitting generations of white folk to be enablers of white supremacy because they get to say… “Well what about Oprah?!” I’ve heard it hundreds of times myself! As a reason for me to accept the hypnosis of taskmasters, to revalidate white supremacy in my heart and mind. To justify the damning of my people, and the elevation of those who inherit the audacity to call us absorbed into their traditions of mental illness - eugenics, genocide, mass deception, destruction of cultures, human experimentation, democide of its own… just crazy. I for one am quite content being out-grouped by America - if someone so disturbed didn’t have resentment toward me I’d be concerned.

You think your people were killed, but not lied to? Whipped but not fooled? Starved but not trolled? Get real. Don’t fall for hoaxes. Especially when they’re flashed on TV with much attention, finance, and chatter committed to it.

These are the days when you need to focus on turning AWAY from the golden calf. Don’t complain about things being so bad while you’re enabling the bad system. For the comfort of Pharaoh’s favor, you’re turning away from Justice. And that puts you in a bad place.

So don’t be afraid. It’s okay to turn away from the distractions that have been historically used to trick you into revalidating white supremacy. Distractions like… representation. You’ll be AMAZED at what you’re able to see when you do. You’ll get to see a much… much… doper kingdom than what you’re used to in white supremacy’s kingdom. I mean it’s dope. Mad representation up in this piece too.

Though you have experienced hurt and harm in your life that have tried you, don’t blame God. The Most High Yah loves you and all his creation fantastically, but he can’t help you so long as you continue living under the hoax(es). White Supremacy is a lie, enforced through economics… money, made popular by the worldwide compliance achieved through deception and violence and psychological trauma. The potential of all mankind continues to suffer under its grip as of January 2021.

Come out of her my people. Like Malcom said, don’t give up your identity to be a second class citizen! If you’re in America, and you’re Black… be Black! Don’t be African American or Black American… America has never had good intentions for Africa or Blacks, so you sound really bonked-over-the-head to outsiders looking in. You’re Black, and your money is the Topian, and you need to stand in YOUR identity, in order to NOT be disoriented. If you are disoriented, you cannot see reality, and The Kingdom of God (your best life possible) is far from you.

Representation is not a sign that white supremacy has been upended, representation is a tactic OF white supremacy, to keep you participating in white supremacy’s arcade - valuing its tokens (fiat money).

Come out.

Welcome to the future.
