
The Topian Anthem

Topian Overture, Score & Libretto by Mark Gregory Dockery 2018

Created @ DH’s House, Idyllwild, CA , on his Black Piano


The ones they spake beneath The Nations

Rise up

Stand tall thee now for generations

Yet to come - Join as one

Within this world Most High has kept us

And now together He has blessed us

ever go beyond


The recognition of what has been

Done to all

But Justice has the victory in

Yah we trust

May The World forevermore.

Orchestral Mockup 1.0

Next Arrangements / Re-harmonizations Planned

Solemn Mockup for 2 Horns

Solo Piano


Vocal Soloist a Capella

String Quartet



#Beyond400 Background         /             Thought Process

Tone Targets






Exclusively Inclusive

It should translate well in solemn settings as well as with pageantry

It should sound good with 2 instruments / no harmonizations

It should have enough complexity that musicians aspire to achieve it, yet simple enough to be approached by young musicians and ensembles.

Burning Questions

So much of Black culture is our musical vocabulary. Interpreting our musical canon in a variety of different ways is important to us. Jazz is largely a Black language, So structurally, the anthem must be open enough for arrangements, reharmonizations, remixes and interpretations to achieve the potential for a Black Anthem.

What if we had an anthem of our own?

Would it feel different to sing it?

Are Black Folk too intellectually despondent to respond to such a level of re-identification?

More offensive to me than the Star Spangled Banner, are complainers. In my mind, the extent to which one protests, is the extent to which one is not serious about their moral critique of the opposition. When Black people complain and protest about things… I love my people… but it really moves me to create solutions to share with them as opposed to watching them squirm in continued disorientation.

This is an example of doing better than complaining.

Instead of telling someone that THEIR values are wrong all the time, it becomes more appropriate to just DEMONSTRATE better behavior, as opposed to challenging the worse behavior.

It’s offensive when people hear criticism of their national anthem or the bigotry on their money, only because they’d already gotten comfortable with identifying with what you’re now pointing out as flawed. Further, they’d mostly only grown comfortable because they didn’t have any other options. So knowing that, I was moved to offer another option to the world as we conclude the psychological warfare that white-supremacy has represented for the past 400 years of prophesied oppression.

#Beyond400, the Topian Anthem, is that option.

Black people are a very musical people, which means the Star Spangled Banner represents an especially egregious psychological assault today. Especially given the disproportionate amount of times that Black bodies are the occasion for gathering at events where the anthem is sung.

For these and other reasons it’s been clear to me - we need our own song, #Beyond400.

To all who can see the #Post400World, I present to you, #Beyond400.
