Physical Currency Reserve

Monetary Notes to support the continuity of commerce following the confession of de-dollarization

The Cryptocurrencies tied to tangible Justice, Human Potential, and the righting of historical wrongs. Repairing Unresolved Forced Economic Imbalances, to Produce Worldwide Economic Truth.

One challenge in using cryptocurrency to empower the world through the most disadvantaged populations, is that those are the populations less familiar with Fintech (financial technology), and more familiar with “banknotes”. Physical currency units that they can see in front of them - not just on a computer screen - and take account for their amounts in their physical presence.

The Justice Coin Team has come up with a physical currency API through which EcoNations like the Topian can discontinue using colonial currencies with psychologically abusive figures venerated upon them, and circulate their own monetary notes, backed by their token, with ownership accountability (so they’re no good when stolen).

While the calculation of all Justice Coin tokens are still in progress, we can already see that in terms of comparative economic weight and supply, the Topian would need to be distributed in nanos, in order to mirror commonly known banknote denominations ($1, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100).

While the Topian Community is still in the process of voting on Topian Physical Currency Honorees that will be venerated on the notes themselves, below is the pilot list used as a starting point for the elections (taking place now among the Topian Community, at Justice Coin’s DAO.

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