Until now (2024), economic wealth (and who has it) has been determined by force, coercion, and hardened by the legacy of Economic White Supremacy.

The most thorough research on climate is conclusive - we must return to indigenous ways of land management in order to reverse the otherwise irreparable damage done by The Colonial Age. 

Effective, sustainable, and equitable conservation of biodiversity and nature’s contributions to people recognizes and empowers Indigenous, traditional, and local peoples and their cultural heritage of sustainable ecosystem management through rights and responsibilities as an essential basis for conservation strategies and priorities around the world. Efforts to achieve ambitious global conservation and restoration agendas will not succeed without more explicitly recognizing, embracing, and restoring these deep cultural and societal connections with the biodiversity they aim to sustain.

The Environmental Justification for The Justice Coin Protocol

Ecological Health, Human Potential & BioDiversity



Current Monetary System:

Maintenance of Economic White Supremacy

Justice Coin: Indigenous Economic Leadership

The Colonial Age                Now   The Justice Age

1095 AD                         -                2022     2023

The Age of Forced Economic Leadership of a “White” class, to the Forced Economic Subordination of People of Color has yielded a steady decline in our Human Potential and Environmental Health, producing a situation that ALL PEOPLE, even White identifiers, must be liberated from.

We address the problem from 2 basic directions:

2.) The Justice Coin Protocol 

Framing the appropriate Economic Leadership of Humanity in terms of inheritance, empowering all survivors of the colonial age with their appropriate level of dignity, financial ability, and influence over the use of land and labor.

Economic Leadership is determined by Applying the Justice Coin Protocol to the database of economic imbalances on record for each Eco-Nation (Economic Nation / Survivor Group). 

The Justice Coin DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) is made up of these EcoNations and their respective survivor members.

All members maintain the ability to vote on all aspects of Justice Coin, and to receive their inheritance based on EcoNation (Such as the Topian EcoNation for Blacks of the American Experience). 

Together, the Justice Coin membership will be able to offer a world economy not dependent on fiat as the foundation for defining value, but rather, Justice.

By Establishing a foundation for the decentralized economy based on Justice, an Opt-In cooperative reality awaits those who understand Humanity’s need for a moral evolution.

The Cryptocurrencies tied to tangible Justice, Human Potential, and the righting of historical wrongs. Repairing Unresolved Forced Economic Imbalances, to Produce Worldwide Economic Truth.